Applying for civil legal aid – flowchart

The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) has shared a flowchart of how it processes civil applications from legal aid providers.

Read the government guidance on applying for legal aid 

Flowchart: Application received from provider; Means / Merits; Is the application complex or unusual? (If Yes: Refer to other department for advice); If No: Further information required? If No: All information received and application processed. (If Yes: Request from provider; Sufficient information to proceed with decision-making? (If No: Request further info from provider) If Yes: All information received and application processed.)

Merits and means-testing

The LAA may vary the order in which it considers an application’s means and merits.

If the application includes delegated functions, the LAA will deal with merits first.

For substantive applications, the LAA will look at means-testing first.

Find out how to challenge a decision