Soft skills

To be a successful solicitor you need more than excellent legal knowledge. You must also develop the soft skills you need in your day-to-day work.

SRA core competencies

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) uses continuing competence to make sure solicitors can do their jobs to the standard expected of them.

The SRA lists four core competencies for you to focus on:

  • ethics, professionalism and judgement
  • technical legal practice
  • working with other people
  • managing yourself and your own work

The SRA’s competence statement helps you meet the continuing competence requirement.

It recognises the importance of soft skills, such as how to:

  • interact with colleagues
  • build and maintain strong relationships with clients
  • work effectively as part of a team

You’ll find resources below to help you learn, develop and improve skills like these.

The threshold standard sets the minimum level of competence needed for solicitors to continue to practise. This is set at level three, which is also the standard at which someone qualifying as a solicitor would be expected to perform.



Recharge: networking tips for job hunters

This free webinar with Q&A is aimed at individuals who want to learn how to network with confidence and tap into the hidden jobs market.

Date: 11 May 2022
Time: 1pm to 2.30pm
Cost: free
Location: online

Disability equality: improve the experience of disabled clients in day-to-day practice

This live webinar will support practitioners to adopt more inclusive working practices to improve client care through the provision of a more bespoke service to their disabled clients.

Date: Monday 23 May 2022
Time: 10am to 12pm
Cost: £95 + VAT
Location: online 

Disability equality: improving the experiences of disabled clients, colleagues and applicants

This live webinar will support practitioners to fully understand and meet the needs of their workforce and potential employees, as well as their disabled clients.

Date: Tuesday 24 May 2022
Time: 10am to 12pm
Cost: £95 + VAT
Location: online 

Supporting others and creating a mentally-healthy workplace culture 

This series of two 90-minute live webinars will help attendees to develop effective practices to promote a more positive mental health culture within law firms/organisation

Date: 1 and 8 July 2022
Time: 12 to 1.30 pm
Cost: £95 + VAT
Location: online 


Continuing competence guidance – our guidance on complying with the SRA’s requirements 


Career Management for Lawyers

Junior Lawyers' Handbook

Legal Training Handbook

Smarter Legal Marketing – how to market yourself for work and career development