Project Rise – a part-time training initiative

This initiative was created as a direct result of research by Cardiff Business School and the DSN, which found clear evidence that disability has been largely overlooked when it comes to improving diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the solicitors’ profession.
The project – supported by Aspiring Solicitors – is not exclusively designed to benefit disabled trainees. There are many people from diverse backgrounds who would benefit from having the option of completing their training contract part-time, including those with caring responsibilities.
The project started in 2021 and coincided with the launch of the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE). The requirements of the SQE are much more flexible than the old system of training contracts.
The SQE could serve as inspiration for the profession to change how it trains its candidates, perhaps offering part-time, full-time, flexible and hybrid qualifying work experience to its junior employees as standard.
The following firms now offer part-time training as a matter of course:
- Bates Wells
- Browne Jacobson
- Eversheds Sutherland
- Freeths
- Hill Dickinson
- Osborne Clarke
Interested firms meet regularly to discuss the motivations and challenges of providing part-time training. There is no pressure to offer part-time training until the firm is ready, but they can still participate in discussions.
Firms do not have to offer a minimum number of places. They are also not required to offer part-time training in any particular way – it covers training contracts, SQE qualifying work experience, graduate apprenticeships or however the organisation recruits.
SRA definitions
The SRA defines “full time” as working 32 hours a week over less than five days. This would allow a candidate, who is able to work longer hours in under five days, to qualify in two years: the minimum required period of training.
For Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) under the SQE, the SRA says it is for the firm to determine what the ‘full time equivalent’ is for the necessary two years QWE.
Create lasting change in your organisation with our D&I framework
Read our guide to the Solicitors Qualification Exam (SQE)
Take a look at the SRA’s information on the SQE
Read the SRA’s Q&A on Qualifying Work Experience and its Qualifying Work Experience for Candidates guidance
Read Legally Disabled? – The career experiences of disabled people working in the legal profession
For further details email
The Law Society asks for interested firms and other organisations to get in touch should they have an interest in offering part-time qualifying experience.
Stay up to date with flexible working laws
You have the right to request permanent changes to your contract from the first day of employment.
You will be able to ask your employer for changes to how long, when and where you work.
Also, you will no longer have to explain what effect, if any, the flexible working request would have on your organisation and how any problems could be overcome.
Your organisation does not have to accept this request, but if they reject it, they must do so for a legally valid reason.