Copyright: asking permission and reporting infringements

Our notice of intellectual property rights (“Notice”) explains how we allow our website material to be used. If you intend on using our website material for purposes, or in volumes, outside those set out in the Notice then you will need to obtain our permission in accordance with the following:

Asking permission

If you want permission to use our material for commercial purposes not covered by the Notice, email

If you want permission to use our material for non-commercial purposes other than those set out in the Notice, email

Permission fees

Our permission fees apply to the reproduction of Law Society copyright materials in other publications, set out below in a table of our fees:

  • in print (eg hardback or paperback) or digital (eg e-book) publication formats the fee specified is for one edition only
  • for subscription-based loose-leaf or online formats (including courses) the fee specified is for one year only

The permission fee is the same for each format. So if you reproduce material in two formats, for example in paperback and on CD-Rom, the fee is doubled.

We treat e-books differently. The fee for publication in e-book format only is £120. However, if you intend to reproduce the material in both print and e-book formats, the total cost is the fee for print reproduction plus an additional 10%.

Unless a material is listed as free below, educational establishments get a 50% discount on the listed fee price, subject to a minimum fee of £120.

Commonly requested material Fee  
Code for Completion by Post £120
Conveyancing Protocol £300
Forms and precedents (includes business leases, CON29 forms, transaction (TA) forms) £120

Standard Commercial Property Conditions*

Standard Conditions of Sale*

*Joint copyright with Oyez – 50% of fee is passed on to Oyez

Formulae for exchanging contracts by telephone £120
Law Society promotional material Free
Books published by the Law Society (in print or digital format)

Less than two pages of material reproduced = free

More than two pages of material reproduced = dependent on amount reproduced, minimum £120

Model conditional fee agreement £220
Practice notes

Extracts of less than 25% = free

Extracts of more than 25% = £120

Research produced by the Law Society’s research department, eg Trends in the Solicitors Profession Annual Statistical Report

Up to half-page or single table/graph = free

Series of extracts = £120 minimum charge, no more than 10% of the whole report to be reproduced

Wills and Inheritance Protocol £300
SRA material (Standards and Regulations, Code of Conduct, Accounts Rules etc) See the SRA's publication scheme

Reporting copyright infringements

To protect our intellectual property rights we ask that you let us know if you think someone is infringing our copyright, for example by:

  • using material without permission
  • misusing the Law Society brand

You can report your concerns in confidence to

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