
You can apply to be re-accredited up to three months before your accreditation expires.
Re-accreditation is a way of assuring clients and key stakeholders that you're up to date with changes in immigration and asylum law practice and procedure.
Senior caseworker
To become re-accredited as a senior caseworker, you must:
- complete at least six hours of professional development in immigration and asylum law in each of the three years before you apply for re-accreditation
- book an assessment (see step 1 below)
- submit your re-accreditation application form
Step 1: examination
You are required to successfully complete the mandatory senior caseworker reaccreditation examination.
The examination is specifically developed to determine whether you satisfy the required standards for the role.
It indicates that you have the necessary skills, knowledge and competence to carry out your responsibilities efficiently and maintain the high professional standards associated with the position.
The reaccreditation process is a critical step in maintaining the quality and integrity of the senior caseworker role.
Step 2: complete the re-accreditation application form
When you have passed the assessment, you can submit your application.
You will need to read the:
- general scheme application criteria and guidance (PDF 345 KB)
- re-accreditation application form guidance notes (PDF 324 KB)
You can then complete the re-accreditation application form (Word 208 KB)
Submit your application by email
Step 3: pay the re-accreditation fee
We’ll send you an invoice when we receive your application.
The re-accreditation fee is £426 (VAT included).
Read more about the cost of the accreditation
What happens next
We’ll let you know the outcome of your application once we’ve received your payment.
The accreditation process takes around six to eight weeks. It can take longer if we receive high volumes of applications or if you do not give us all the information we need.
Application fees are not-refundable.
You may appeal against our decision.
Supervising senior caseworker
You’re not required to be re-accredited as a supervising senior caseworker.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the re-accreditation process, contact our accreditations team.
Call: 020 7320 5797
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday