Individual accreditations
Children law
Our Children Law Accreditation guarantees top-quality representation for practitioners involved in children law proceedings.
This accreditation covers all aspects of children law work and is recognised by the Legal Aid Agency.
It's a reliable way for clients and professionals to find qualified practitioners when representing children.
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Clinical negligence
Our Clinical Negligence Accreditation is a recognised quality standard for practitioners representing claimants in clinical negligence matters.
The accreditation covers work you do on cases involving any act of negligence, breach of contract and/or statutory duty where the claimant has sustained injuries in the course of medical or dental care.
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Criminal litigation
Our Criminal Litigation Accreditation is a recognised quality standard for practitioners in criminal litigation.
It covers all types of criminal law work.
You must have the accreditation to be included on local duty solicitor rotas under the Criminal Defence Service Duty Solicitor Arrangements 2001.
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Family law
Our Family Law and Family Law Advanced Accreditations are quality marks for family lawyers.
Family Law covers all types of family law work except public law Children Act work.
Family Law Advanced covers specialist areas of family law work.
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Family mediation
Our Family Mediation Accreditation is a recognised quality standard for family mediators.
Accreditation qualifies you to carry out and conduct legal aid funded mediation.
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Immigration and asylum
Our Immigration and Asylum Law and Immigration Law Advanced Accreditations highlight excellence in providing immigration advice under legal aid contracts.
Immigration Law Advanced targets senior caseworkers with deep expertise of law and practice.
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Lawyers for your business
The Lawyers For Your Business (LFYB) membership scheme is ideal for smaller practices aiming to gain new business in the SME sector and contribute to community business development.
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Local government
Look for our quality mark logos on legal practices’ websites, printed material or offices to check whether a solicitor or legal professional is accredited.
The Diploma in Local Government Law and Practice is a self-study course that enhances your knowledge of local government law and practice, showcasing your commitment and paving the way for your career progression

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Mental capacity
Our Mental Capacity Accreditations represents a high standard of expertise for practitioners offering advice under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
This accreditation helps clients confidently choose practitioners with mental capacity highest skills and expertise.
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Mental health
The Mental Health Accreditation ensures quality representation for patients under the Mental Health Act 1983, extending to all proceedings before the First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health).
The accreditation allows clients and representatives to select a qualified practitioner when a person detained under the MHA requires representation.
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Personal injury
Our Personal Injury Accreditation is a renowned quality standard for practitioners representing victims and dependents in personal injury cases, encompassing injuries due to negligence or statutory duty breaches.
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Risk and compliance
For individuals who wants to enhance their expertise in risk and compliance, our Risk and Compliance Accreditation offers a quality mark across different levels and sectors.
It covers risk and compliance in the legal sector across three levels:
- Risk and Compliance Accreditation (Foundation)
- Risk and Compliance Advanced Accreditation (Anti-Money Laundering)
- Risk and Compliance Advanced Accreditation (Legal Practice)
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